The men’s ministry meets quarterly under the direction of the pastor. The emphasis with men’s ministry is to teach all of our men their roles as leaders in the home and in the Church. Upon learning his role, a man will be a better father and a better husband in the home, and he will also be better equipped to guide God’s church.
Psalm 95 is an invitation for us to sing with joy to our Lord, to shout out loud for the Rock of our salvation. At Westside Baptist, we take this invitation seriously and sing songs and praises to our God at every given opportunity. We are beings created to worship the living God, and as a church, we are devoted to worship.
In order to facilitate our worship services, Westside is supported by the sound and media ministry as well as the worship team. Our sound and media ministry make sure that any visual aids are clear and readily available, and they ensure that the quality of our sound does not distract from our worship experience. The worship team ministers in both English and Spanish to engage all who attend in praising and worshipping God our Savior through song.